•  Remote Learning Model

    Student and Guardian Expectations


    These learning model expectations have been created to provide continuity and guidance to students, families, and staff while school is in session during this global pandemic.


    Students will...

    • follow a schedule for class meetings, small-group instruction, and conferences
    • utilize Google Meet to access class meetings, small-group instruction, and conferences
    • utilize Google Classroom and Classroom Calendar to view and access lessons, assignments, and Google Meets
    • be provided with live remote instruction at their assigned small-group or conference times throughout each day
    • be timely and prepared for all live sessions (i.e. joining the Google Meet on time, questions prepared for teachers, materials ready for learning)
    • actively participate in virtual lessons and activities by thoroughly viewing content, recording questions and thoughts, and completing/submitting assignments on time
    • adhere to video-conferencing etiquette and other classwide norms and expectations
    • communicate issues, concerns and needs directly with the teacher
    • maintain compliance with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for technology


    Parents / Guardians will...

    • review their child’s weekly schedule for class meetings, small-group instruction, conferences and breaks and ensure their child’s participation
    • refer to Google Classroom and Classroom Calendar to view and access lessons, assignments, and Google Meets
    • support their child’s home learning environment and routine to ensure they are timely and prepared for all live sessions
    • participate in remote learning training opportunities to foster their child’s success
    • communicate issues, concerns and needs directly with their child’s teacher
    • ensure their child’s compliance with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for technology


    In-Person Learning Model

    Student and Guardian Expectations


    These learning model expectations have been created to provide continuity and guidance to students, families, and staff while school is in session during this global pandemic.


    Students will...

    • maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet at all times unless otherwise instructed by a teacher
    • wear a face mask at all times unless otherwise instructed by a teacher 
    • request to take a break if experiencing difficulty wearing a face mask or keeping 6 feet of social distance
    • follow a schedule for class meetings, small-group instruction, and conferences
    • utilize Google Meet to access class meetings, small-group instruction, and conferences when they cannot be delivered in-person with the teacher
    • utilize Google Classroom and Classroom Calendar to view and access lessons, assignments, and Google Meets
    • be provided with live instruction at their assigned small-group or conference times throughout each day
    • be timely and prepared for all live sessions (i.e. joining the Google Meet on time, questions prepared for teachers, materials ready for learning)
    • actively participate in virtual lessons and activities by thoroughly viewing content, recording questions and thoughts, and complete/submit assignments on time
    • adhere to video-conferencing etiquette and other classwide norms and expectations
    • communicate issues, concerns and needs directly with the teacher
    • maintain compliance with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for technology


    Parents / Guardians will...

    • provide reinforcement and support of their child wearing masks
    • provide reinforcement and support of their child maintaining social distance
    • review their child’s weekly schedule for class meetings, small-group instruction, conferences and breaks and ensure their child’s participation
    • refer to Google Classroom and Classroom Calendar to view and access lessons, assignments, and Google Meets
    • support their child’s home learning environment and routine to ensure they are timely and prepared for all live sessions and in-person learning
    • participate in remote learning training opportunities to foster their child’s success
    • communicate issues, concerns and needs directly with their child’s teacher
    • ensure their child’s compliance with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for technology