• Attendance

    The Avon Board of Education supports a program of active and interactive learning experiences and believes that consistent student attendance is of the utmost importance in improving readiness. Repeated and/or prolonged absences, patterns of tardiness, and/or frequent early dismissals deprive students of essential experiences and disrupts the continuity of instruction for the student and the classroom community.

    Furthermore, the New Jersey Department of Education evaluates school and district performance in the area of College and Career Readiness, which is directly impacted by student attendance and tardiness.

    In conjunction with the Avon BOE Policy (Policy 5200: Attendance), parents may receive Attendance Concern Letters indicating problematic attendance data (total accrued absences, patterns of absence, tardiness, and/or frequent early dismissal). Response to attendance concerns may require a parent conference, I&RS intervention, police and/or Division of Child Protection and Permanency notification. Moreover, attendance patterns may also raise concerns during student records review for high school acceptance and programming.

    Chronic Absenteeism In The Nation's Schools

    Reporting Absences

    Parents/guardians are required to telephone the school to report the reason for the child's absence from school. It is essential that the school is notified whenever a child is absent. To report an absence, please call or email the school nurse prior to 8:15 AM.  Mrs. Golda can be contacted at jgolda@avonschool.com at 732-775-4328 x113.

    When your child returns to school from an absence, Board of Education Policy requires a written explanation/email of the absence to be considered an excused absence. This note should be given to the child's homeroom teacher on the day your child returns to school. The note/email must include:

    • The child’s name
    • The date(s) of absence
    • The reason for absence (be specific; ie: a cough, fever, stomach ache, etc.)
    • Parent / Guardian signature

    Absences for illness, doctor’s care, quarantine, death/serious illness in the family, religious holiday, or court proceedings are always considered excused when we receive a written explanation. Other absences for vacations, entertainment, visiting friends, and those for which no explanation is received are considered unexcused.

    ABSENCE Reporting:

    Guardians must contact Mrs. Golda to report student absence

    • If guardian reporting student is sick or otherwise will be absent:
      • considered "sick day"
      • student does not attend programming virtually
      • could be one day, or a few days
    • If the reason to stay home is due to COVID inquiry...
      • working to confirm exposure possibility, symptoms but no test yet, awaiting test results
      • student placed on short term remote  
    • Short Term Remote
      • day one is treated like a sick day
      • teacher sets up remote programming within 24 hours, could be less
      • teacher alerts student and parent when remote is ready


    Attendance During Full Day Learning Model 

    State Requirement

    A school day shall consist of not less than four hours, with at least one hour in the forenoon and one hour in the afternoon.

    Tardy to School

    Tardy (late) to school is defined as not being in the assigned Homeroom by the time the bell at 8:05 AM. Disciplinary measures for a pattern (3) of unexcused tardy within a Marking Period may include before deprivation of privileges and/or after school detention. Each subsequent unexcused tardy in a marking period may require additional intervention. As per Board Policy, three unexcused tardy equals an Absence.

    A parent or guardian is required to sign-in their student in person at the main office if they are late for school.

    Illness During School

    Any student who becomes ill while in school is to ask the teacher or person in charge for a pass to see the School Nurse. Should the Nurse not be available, the student should report to the main office. Students are not permitted to go home unless a parent or guardian has been notified by the school nurse or main office.

    Keeping Students Home from School

    The following protocol must be followed to help keep our children safe and healthy. The protocol is primarily based on rules and guidelines provided by the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the State of New Jersey, and the Monmouth County Health Department.

    Please keep your child home from school if he or she has any of the following:

    1. Illness during the night or in the morning of a school day
    2. Vomiting in the past 24 hours or severe nausea, abdominal pains or diarrhea
    3. Persistent and/or productive cough
    4. Fever of 100 Degrees or More*
    5. Red Draining Eyes
    6. Undiagnosed Rash
    7. Red, painful throat or glands on the side of the neck that are swollen
    8. Flu-like symptoms

    NOTE: To be able to return to school, students must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of any medication that has fever-reducing ingredients. (Many medications may contain fever-reducing ingredients such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Please read the label and consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any questions)

    Please call the school nurse if your child contracts a communicable condition such as:

    1. Impetigo
    2. Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
    3. Ringworm
    4. Scabies
    5. Strep Throat

    If your child is diagnosed with one of these conditions, please submit a note from your health care provider that states that your child may return to school (Please do not send it in or have it faxed to the school after your child has returned to school).