- Avon School District
- School Procedures
- Arrival / Dismissal Procedures
Arrival / Dismissal Procedures
Preschool Program:
Preschool does not operate on the same schedule as the K-8 program. Because supervision begins with a "hand to hand" exchange of the student to the teacher, morning arrival begins at the start of the school day.
- Preschool Arrival (8:05-8:15) - Fifth Avenue (Door 05)
Dismissal Procedures
- Preschool Dismissal (2:20) - Fifth Avenue (Door 05)
- Preschool Bridge Care (3:05) - Fifth Avenue (Door 05)
K-8 Program:
- K-8 Arrival: (07:50-08:05) - early arrival window - Playground
Emergency / Inclement Weather (ie: extremely cold, harsh storm): students will enter the building through the playground and be designated to a grade level cluster area within the building.
Dismissal Procedures
- Grades K (3:05) Fifth Avenue (Door 01)
- Grades 1-2: (3:05) Fifth Avenue (Door 02)
- Grades 3-5: (3:05) Lincoln Avenue (Door 11)
- Grades 6-8: (3:05) Playground, Lincoln Avenue Exit Ramp
Student Drop Off:
- Rolling Drop-Off Lane - curbside along eastbound Lincoln Avenue
- NO U-Turns on Lincoln Avenue
- NO parking or standing in the rolling car lane (pull in, drop off, drive out)
- DO NOT double park or attempt a Stop Sign drop off
- Students MUST cross at the crossing guard
Parents may utilize on-street parking if you would like to walk your child up to campus. Follow the commands of the Crossing Guard at the Lincoln and Fifth Crosswalk.
No vehicle may stand or park within the Fire Lane in front of the school on Fifth Avenue. Visitors may temporarily park in the Drop-Off Lane after 8:30am and before 2:00pm.
Walkers (including Bikes):
Students walking to school must use sidewalks and crosswalks. When riding bikes, skateboards, or any wheeled device students must wear a helmet, obey traffic laws, follow commands of Crossing Guards, and walk their device once they arrive at a crosswalk and campus.
Street Closure:
In cooperation with the Avon Police Department, Fifth Avenue (between Lincoln and Lincoln Lane) will be closed to vehicle traffic on school days during Arrival and Dismissal (approximately 7:30am-8:30am and again from 2:00pm-3:30pm)