- Avon School District
- School Procedures
- Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation
SupervisionEarly morning supervision for students is available each school day beginning at 7:50 am on the campus playground (or cafetorium if inclement weather). For your child’s safety, please ensure they arrive on campus during the morning supervision window between 7:50 am and 8:05 am.
Students may not arrive on campus before 7:50 am and must not remain in the building after 3:05 pm unless under the direct supervision of a teacher. Students will not be allowed to enter the building prior to the start of the school day or after a school days ends unless special arrangements have been with a teacher.
7:50 AM - Early Morning Supervision
Students arrive on campus and gather on the Playground until the 8:05 am start of school day bell (weather permitting).
Parents/guardians are not permitted on the playground (within the fence) during school hours (7:50am-3:05 pm). No balls, toys, or equipment from home on the playground. No “activity” on the playground after 8:00 am
Inclement Weather: Students arrive on campus and enter the building from the playground and proceed directly to the school Cafetorium for early morning supervision
8:05 AM - School Starts / Late BellStudents enter the building (exit Cafetorium during inclement weather) and transition to homeroom
Late to School: Students who arrive LATE to school (on or after 8:05 am) must report to the main office and be signed-in by a guardian
Lunch Periods
(11:15 am - 12:05 pm) Middle School Lunch (Grades 6-8)
(12:06 pm - 12:56 pm) Elementary School Lunch (Grades K-5)
3:05 PM - Dismissal
The school day ends with the student dismissal bell at 3:05 pm each school day (and 12:15 pm on Half Day Schedule)
Kindergarten students exit the building directly from their classroom, southeast corner of the building, onto the closed portion of Fifth Avenue
Students in Grades 1-5 exit the building through the front of the building onto the closed portion of Fifth Avenue
Students in Grades 6-8 exit the building through the rear doors onto the playground and typically exit school grounds onto Lincoln Avenue
Dismissal Procedures
Many Middle School students are "Walkers" and have permission to simply walk home at the end of the school day. However, the majority of elementary students are "Pick-Ups" and are dismissed to a parent or a designated adult (Dismissal Procedures Form) to be escorted home
A Dismissal Procedures Form (link to First Day Packet) must be completed for each student and submitted to the Main Office. Changes to this form must be made in person at the main office and cannot be managed over the phone
Guardian Sign-Out (Early Dismissal)
A student may not leave the school grounds between the start of school 8:05 AM and regular dismissal 3:05 PM unless he/she submits a parental note for early dismissal. Early Dismissal notes must be presented to the Main Office at the start of the school day. The student must be signed out before leaving the school grounds by a parent or emergency contact
Parents who establish medical appointments after the student is already in school should call the main office to arrange for orderly Early Dismissal of the student. Please do not leave messages about early dismissal on faculty voicemail or e-mail