• Visiting Avon School

    Parents are welcome to visit our school, however, appointments must be made with the Main Office prior to arrival.

    To ensure a safe, secure, and orderly learning environment, visitors to the Avon School campus must adhere to the visitation procedures below. Note that all activities on the Avon School campus including visitors to the building are recorded by building security cameras.

    1. Visitors must report to the main office upon arriving on campus - this includes dropping off supplies and lunch. To gain entrance to the building, you may be asked to face the camera, state your name, and the reason for your visit.

    2. If a visitor is simply dropping an item off, the item may be left on the Item Drop Off shelves in the main entrance vestibule.

    3. If your visit is for a classroom celebration, event, or meeting you will need to report to the Main Office. Main Office staff may ask additional clarifying questions and/or request photo identification to document your identity.

    4. Once granted access, visitors will be asked to sign in to the Visitor Log and wear a “Visitor Badge” lanyard around their neck in order to move through the building to the intended destination. Visitors have access only to the destination indicated on the Visitor Log.

    Back to School Night is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, learn more about the curriculum, and ask questions about the general grade level program. Please visit the school website for date and event agenda will be posted to the school website and distributed via the eAlert system. BTSN is not the venue to initiate discussions regarding the status and progress of your particular child. Confidential conferencing may be requested or conducted at Parent/Teacher Conferences.

    Parent/Teacher Conferences are held in the November each year. The conference enables parents and teachers an opportunity to discuss confidential status and progress data for each student. Additional conference time may be scheduled at ANY time and parents should plan to stay in close contact with their child’s teachers.