- Avon School District
- Student Agreements
- Bike Helmet
Bicycles / Helmets / Bike Rack
Wheeled Device Agreement
The Avon Board of Education has continued its policy to authorize students in Grades K-8 permission to ride bicycles (and other wheeled devices) to and from school.
In accordance with this board policy, the following rules and guidelines have been established for students to provide an orderly and safe procedure for wheeled trasnportation riders.
1. All students must wear a helmet at all times while riding / using a wheeled device
2. All bicycles must be registered with the Avon Police Department
3. All bicycles and wheeled devices must be walked:
- across the intersection of Lincoln and Fifth Avenues
- on all campus sidewalks
- the Bike Rack area
4. Bicycles must be locked to the Bike Rack (unless otherwise directed)
5. No wheels of any kind are permitted on the playground
6. No motorized or powered devices are permitted on campus at anytime
Students must follow these rules to maintain permission to ride a wheeled device to school.