- Avon School District
- Purpose
Avon School Mission StatementThe mission of Avon Elementary School is to cultivate in students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes delineated in the New Jersey Core Curriculum Contents Standards and necessary to become happy, healthy, productive adults and informed, responsible citizens; to foster a desire to be independent, lifelong learners and problem solvers who are able to adapt to societal changes; and to empower students to take an active role in the democratic process in order to positively impact their families, their communities, their country and the world.
Student/Parent Handbook Purpose
The purpose of the Avon School Student/Parent Handbook is to support our Vision and Mission by developing the parameters to the four key factors in student educational success by:
Promoting strong peer to peer and student to teacher relationships;
Foster the health, safety, social, and emotional well-being of all students;
Defining effective and positive ways to address student misbehavior;
Support the establishment and maintenance of a civil, safe, secure, supportive, and disciplined school environment conducive to learning;
Establish parameters for school responses to violations of the pupil discipline/code of conduct that take into account at a minimum, the severity of the offenses, the developmental ages of the pupil offenders, and pupils histories of inappropriate behaviors;
Offer positive behavioral interventions, supports, and restorative practices
Identifying supports for social and emotional development;
Proactive programs that address social-emotional learning initiatives
Promote responsibility of citizenship at school and in the community;
Most importantly, to teach students about appropriate behavior, expectations, and citizenship in society;
Encouraging involvement of parents and the community;
Establish and communicate high standards of academic, emotional, and citizenship