•  Progress Reporting

    Grading and Promotion

    Student progress is closely monitored by instructional staff with status and progress regularly communicated to parents. Progress notes, indicators, and grades appearing on informal communication, interim reports, and report cards illustrate the level to which the student has demonstrated knowledge, skill, and understanding of a topic as well as depict the progress towards mastery.

    Instructional staff will provide parents with the information regarding student grading; particularly those factors which determine a student’s grade. This information will be communicated at Back to School Night and posted on teacher websites.

    Promotion or retention of a pupil will be made in the best interest of the student after careful evaluation of all the factors (including attendance and discipline) relating to the probability of future success for the student. When attendance standards have not been met but mastery has been achieved, a review will be conducted by the principal according to Board Policy to determine a student’s suitability for promotion.

    Avon School District does not provide summer school for subjects failed for the year, and it is at the parent’s cost that the students must make-up coursework.    

    When general progress is being made but mastery has not been achieved, the child’s personality, emotional stability, and maturity will be taken into account prior to retention. The principal, in concert with the Child Study Team, the guidance counselor and the student’s parents shall review all remedial program offerings and options, as well as possible placement. The principal shall be responsible for making the final decision as to placement.

    Progress Reporting

    Frequent and timely communication is essential in supporting student growth. Teachers at Avon School use a variety of formal and informal avenues to provide as-needed communication about student status and progress. Informal avenues may include phone calls, emails, handwritten notes, web-based parent portal, and teacher websites.

    District Progress Reports / Report Cards

    In addition to informal and as-needed progress reporting, instructional staff members utilize District Progress Reports and Report Cards on a quarterly basis (approximately every 10 weeks) to clearly identify student status and progress. The following time frames outline the quarterly targets:

    Marking Period One: Middle of November (prior to Parent/Teacher Conferences)

    Marking Period Two: End of January

    Marking Period Three: Early April

    Marking Period Four: End of June (last day of school)


    Homework assignments are an educationally valuable tool acting as an extension of the instructional program of the school. Students who are going to be out for a number of days are encouraged to keep up with their schoolwork. On the second day of the absence, parents may contact the students’ teachers to request assignments. Parents may pick up any hardcopy materials after school is over between 3:05 pm and 3:45 pm in the main office.

    Homework Procedures may be established between groups of teachers; these will be communicated to students during the beginning of the school year, to parents at Back to School Night, and available on-demand on the school website. Homework and assignments must be recorded by students in students’ planners on a daily basis.

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    Honor Roll

    Students in Grades 5-8 are eligible to achieve Honor Roll status which is based on report card grades. Honor Roll is announced at the end of each marking period with certificates disseminated after school at a day and time to be determined at the end of each marking period.

    • High Honor Roll: Grade point average of 92 or greater in all content areas

    • Honor Roll: Grade point average of 84 or greater in all content areas