• 2020-2021 School PerformanceJump to Strategic Planning Page

    DISTRICT GOALS (and Strategic Planning)
    Promote Student Achievement:
    • Utilize annual program evaluation to improve student program experience
    • Restart and Recovery Plan - Development of Instructional Program
    • Create multiple opportunities for success and celebration for students with different strengths [GA1d]
    • Utilize student performance data to intervene on student needs and report outcomes
    Enhance the Culture for Learning / Community Outreach:
    • Completion and carry out the District Professional Development Plan
    • Restart and Recovery Plan - Development of Staff Supports
    • Increase communication between school and community to build engagement [GA2a]
    • Identifying, exploring, and optimizing opportunities for partnership with existing community organizations and resources (ie: build a list) [GA2b]
    • Increase PD for staff to differenciate content, skills, and processes for student needs and for student interests across levels [GA1b]
    Finance / Operations Management:
    • Identify, hire, and train open positions (staffing)
    • Ensure compliance with required district reporting, data submissions, and mandatory trainings
    Facilities / Safety and Security:
    •  Restart and Recovery Plan - Development of Health Controls, Cleaning, Facility Upgrades


    • 2021 Budget Presentation
    • 2021 Advertised Budget
    • 2021 User-Friendly Budget
    • 2021 Audit


    • 2021 School Performance Report
    • 2021 ABR Self-Assessment
    • 2021 ABR District School Report  
    Buildings and Grounds:
    New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum is a Department of Education monitoring process public school districts are currently required to undergo every three years. The process includes five (5) areas assessed by District Performance Reviews (DPRs). The areas include: Instruction and Program, Fiscal Management, Goveranace, Operations, and Personnel. 
    The monitoring includes a self-evaluation and on-site review by the Monmouth County Department of Education. School districts must achieve a minimum score of at least 80% in each area to pass QSAC monitoring and be designated as a “High Performing” school district.

    Avon School District is expecting on-site monitoring during the 2020-2021 school year.