- Avon School District
- 2018-2019
District GoalsPromote Student Achievement:- Maintain targeted assistance programming
- Coordinate assmbly programming with targeted curricular revisions
- Develop clear social guidelines and positive classroom / school rituals for community building, recognition, and student empowerment
Enhance the Culture for Learning / Community Outreach:
- Maintain action research / Classroom Laboratory approach to staff professional development
- Develop opportunities to offer access to research and promote best-practice models supporting social-emotional learning
- Increase communication between school and community to build engagement
- Identifying, exploring, and optimizing opportunities for partnership with existing community organizations and resources
Finance / Operations Management:
- Identify, hire, and train seven (4) open positions for the 1819 schoolseason
- Ensure compliance with required district reporting, data submissions, and mandatory trainings
- Research opportunity to provide take home 1:1 technology
Facilities / Safety and Security:
- Enhance the safe and secure learning environment equipped to deliver 21st Century learning experiences
- Investigate opportunities for energy reduction, decreasing carbon footprint, and cost saving measures
- Infrastructure maintenance and long range facilty planning
Business Performance:
Program PerformanceAnti-Bullying Bill of Rights
Lead Drinking Water Testing:Resources- New Jersey Public School Fact Sheet (NJDOE)