District Goals Promote Student Achievement:
- Utilize Recess to promote Character Education Programming
- Ensure staff receive specialized data analysis training with regards to the District Benchmarking tool
- Prepare K-8 for the Next Generation Science Standards
- provide enrichment programming resources and support
- Further develop and promote on and off-campus opportunities for Character Education, Community Service, and Service Learning
Enhance the Culture for Learning:- Improve on-demand access to information and resources for students, staff, and parents
- Reduce/simplify processes and procedures by evaluating for efficiency and purpose
- Continue to enhance home/school connection and communication
- Expand Classroom Laboratories professional development format
Ensure Proper Function of the Organization:- Mandated Training and Requirements - District Reports and Data Submissions, AchiveNJ requirements, Health Office
- Facilities and Operations Maintenance and Management - ROD Grant projects, energy reduction measures, Safety and Security best practice
Business Performance:Program Performance
- 1516 School Performance Report
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights