- Avon School District
- 2013-2014
2013-2014 School PerformanceNJDOE Reward School - High Performing
District GoalsPromote Student Achievement:- Enhance opportunities for real-time collaboration, deeper student engagement, and 21st Century Learning
- Restructure academic identification for enrichment, intervention, and support offerings
- Develop additional avenues for student involvement and contribution
Professional Development:- Create avenues for on-demand learning
- Develop targeted horizontal, sustained, and expertly guided growth experiences
Culture for Learning:- Develop systems and procedures to support web-based workflows
- Develop systems to solicit feedback and improve stakeholdership
- Coordinate community partner organizations
Non-Negotiable (mandates and requirements):
- Mandated Training and Requirements - Implement AchiveNJ requirements
- Facilities and Operations Maintenance and Management
- Upgrade technology infrastructure to ensure PARCC and 21st Century Learning readiness
Business Performance:
Program Performance
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
Resources- Definitions of Priority, Focus, and Reward Schools (NJDOE)
- New Jersey Public School Fact Sheet (NJDOE)