- Avon School District
- 2012-2013
2012-2013 School PerformanceNJDOE Reward School - High Performing
Goal 1: Integrate high quality formative and summative assessments across the curriculum
- Objective 1: Evaluate existing formative and summative assessment instruments
- Objective 2: Meet with PLC's to establish needs for formative and summative assessments across grade levels
- Objective 3: Develop and implement new formative and summative assessments for each grade
Goal 2: Superintendent/Principal to establish himself as the educational leader of the school and community
- Objective 1: Work with New Jersey School Boards to develop a strategic plan for the Avon School District
- Objective 2: Identify educational goals and school district priorities for 2013-2014 school year
- Objective 3: Focus and involve the entire Avon community in the attainment of educational goals
Goal 3: Hire and mentor an administrative team for the school
- Objective 1: Identify candidates for the position of Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Services
- Objective 2: Conduct final interviews for position and recommend candidate to the BOE for approval
- Objective 3: Enroll new administrator in State mentoring program and establish goals for the two year mentor period
Goal 4: Implement the new teacher evaluation system effectively
- Objective 1: By November 2012 establish a district advisory committee
- Objective 2: By January 30, 2013 officially adopt an evaluation instrument and model for the Avon School District
- Objective 3: Provide Professional Development to faculty on new teacher evaluation system
Program Performance:Resources:- Definitions of Priority, Focus, and Reward Schools (NJDOE)
- New Jersey Public School Fact Sheet (NJDOE)