• 2019-2020 School PerformanceJump to Strategic Planning Page

    District Goals
    Promote Student Achievement:
    • Investigate and launch Integrated Preschool Program
    • Initiate needed programming ddjustments and curriculum revisions
    • Develop clear social guidelines and positive classroom / school rituals for community building, recognition, and student empowerment
    • Create a consistent set of best practices for managing and organizing students to increase learning and reduce social tension
    Enhance the Culture for Learning / Community Outreach:
    • Maintain action research / Classroom Laboratory approach to staff professional development
    • Develop opportunities to offer access to research and promote best-practice models supporting social-emotional learning
    • Increase communication between school and community to build engagement
    • Identifying, exploring, and optimizing opportunities for partnership with existing community organizations and resources
    • Increase PD for staff to differenciate content, skills, and processes for student needs and for student interests across levels
    Finance / Operations Management:
    • Identify, hire, and train open positions for the 1920 schoolseason
    • Ensure compliance with required district reporting, data submissions, and mandatory trainings
    • Research opportunity to provide take home 1:1 technology

    Facilities / Safety and Security:

    • Maintain facility investment
    • Aqusition of dynamic and transitional classroom / media center furniture to allow for flexible learning experiences
    • Investigate opportunities for energy reduction, decreasing carbon footprint, and cost saving measures
