• 2017-2018 School Performance

    District Goals 
    Promote Student Achievement:
    • Expand/enhance targeted assistance and enrichment programming resources and support
    • Implement new/revised standards
    • Strengthen district mathematics programming
    Enhance the Culture for Learning:
    • Maintain action research (classroom laboratory) approach to staff professional development (meaningful, sustained, horizontal, job-embedded and expertly guided)
    • Develop a committee to evaluate research and best-practice models of promoting social-emotional learning
    • Enhance school to community communication and opportunities for parent input in decision-making processes
    Ensure Proper Function of the Organization:
    • Identify, hire, and train seven (7) open positions for the 1718 learning season
    • Ensure compliance with required district reporting, data submissions, and mandatory trainings
    • Continuous review of safety and security procedures, training protocol, and infrastructure to ensure the approach and/or attainment of best practice recommendations
    • Investigate and pilot opportunities for energy reduction, decreasing carbon footprint, and cost-saving measures
    • Infrastructure maintenance

    Business Performance:
    • 1718 Budget Presentation
    • 1718 Advertised Budget
    • 1718 User-Friendly Budget
    Program Performance