• Curriculum and Instruction
    Image result for instruction clip art
    The Avon School District offers a comprehensive educational program to all students in grades K-8. In addition to a general education curriculum, targeted academic instruction and interventions are also provided for students through our multi-tiered systems of support. District curricula is directly aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Alignment, assessment, and revision of the scope and sequence of instruction is an ongoing curricular process involving all instructional staff. 
    Mrs. Eileen MacDonald
    Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Special Services
    732.775.4328 Ext. 105
    email: emacdonald@avonschool.com
    Why is curriculum development?
    • Adoption of new standards 
    • Revisions to content 
    • Updates or reorganization 


    What process does Avon School use to develop curricula?
    • Teachers responsible for implementing the content area curriculum take on a leadership role in its development
    • Avon School utilizes a framework based on the Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) which aligns standards with instructional practices, resources, and assessments to directly inform classroom instruction
    • District curricula directly reflects daily instruction