Campbell, Meredith - School Counselor
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- Avon School District
Mrs. Meredith Campbell
Avon School Anti-bullying Specialist732.775.4328 X202mcampbell@avonschool.comMrs. Eileen MacdonaldAvon School Anti-bullying Coordinator732.775.4328School Climate State CoordinatorPolicy StatementThe Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a student. The Board has determined that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards; harassment, intimidation, or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe and disciplined environment. Since students learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers should be commended for demonstrating appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
For the purposes of this Policy, the term "parent," pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-1.3, means the natural parent(s); adoptive parent(s); legal guardian(s); resource family parent(s); or parent surrogate(s) of a student. When parents are separated or divorced, "parent" means the
person or agency which has legal custody of the student, as well as the natural or adoptive parent(s) of the student, provided parental rights have not been terminated by a court of appropriate jurisdiction.Definition
“Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-14, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that:
1. Is reasonably perceived as being motivated by either any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic;
2. Takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off school grounds, as provided for in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15.3;
3. Substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students; and that
a. A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to their person or damage to their property; or
b. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students; or
c. Creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with a student’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student.